It has been ages i had the yardlong beans as any dish, today we went to Indian groceries, i saw these green fresh yardlong beans laying silently, i picked immediately as its kinda hard for us to get these sort of green veggies rarely nowadays, needless to say that am so happy to buy these yardlong beans as i love them as thoran, this veggies get ready really quick and the thoran with these veggies tastes awesome with any rice dish, eventhough my favourite goes for rasam rice, both rasam and this thoran tastes prefectly delicious and for me its one of my comforting food...This yardlong beans are known as asparagus beans,snake beans also as chinese long beans, this a climbing plant which produce long pods can be measure 14to 30inches..Yard-long beans belong to the same plant family as the blackeyed peas. In fact, in parts of China the bean is allowed to mature until full-fledged peas are produced in the pod. Yard-longs have a flavor similar to but not as sweet as that of a green beans, with hints of its black-eyed-pea lineage. The texture of the pod is more pliable and not as crisp as that of a green bean. Yard-long beans are most often cut into 2-inch lengths and sautéed or stir fried. Overcooking will make them mushy. These beans are rich in vitamin A and contain a fair amount of vitamin C.

1/4kg Yardlong beans (chopped)
1no Onion (chopped)
2nos Green chillies (slit opened)
1/2tsp Mustard seeds+Urad dal
Few curry leaves
To Grind:
3tbsp Grated coconut
3nos Dry red chillies
1tbsp Cumin seeds
Cook the chopped yardlong beans in microwave safe bowl with enough salt and 1cup water for 10minutes in high in microwave oven..drain the excess of water and keep aside...meanwhile grind the coconut, dry red chillies and cumin seeds as coarse paste..Heat enough oil and add the mustard seeds,curry leaves and urad dal, let them splutters..add the chopped onions and slit opened green chillies, sauté until the onions turns transculent, now add the grounded coarse paste cook it for few minutes...finally add the already cooked yardlong beans and salt, cook everything in simmer..
Serve hot as side dish!