I think I have the weirdest kids. I totally didn't expect them to like this soup but they love it! They ended up having rice with this soup only, totally ignoring the rest of the dishes. My son had an extra 1/2 a bowl of rice and even finished the cabbage in it. Not to mentioned, they finished it rather fast too.
This is one of my comfort soup. My mother cooked this a lot when I was young. If you remembered, I mentioned before my mother doesn't really know how to cook. She made this soup using stock cubes and added (minced) meatball in it. So there's soup, veg and meat. No headaches. One dish settled the dinner. Simple *laughs*
Here, I used
home-made chicken broth instead. It's really simple to make. Just cook 1 litre of
broth with 1 to 1 1/2 handful of shredded cabbage for 20 minutes or till the cabbage and soft. Season with salt and that's it. If you are adding meatballs like what my mother did, add them after the soup starts to boil. How easy is that!
* simple Cabbage Soup *