Its has been quite a week i didnt post my comes one more healthy scones from my oven, i tried out without egg n replaced the egg with buttermilk, after googling n searching through net i found this eggless oatmeal scone recipe..I want to bake something as quick bread also nutritious, so i went through the recipe i changed few ingredients the original recipe said..These scones are very much prefect for breakfast also very healthy..
1cup Whole Wheat flour +1tsbp for dusting
1cup All purpose flour
1cup Rolled Oats
1/2cup Sugar
1/2cup Butter
1/4cup Buttermilk
1/4tsp Salt
1/4cup Chocolate chips
1tsp Baking powder
1/2tsp Baking soda
Preheat the oven to 350F...Blend together sugar n butter into smooth paste, meanwhile mix together whole wheat flour, all purpose flour, rolled oats, baking powder, baking soda, salt together...add these dry ingredients to the butter mixture n mix them as crumbly texture, add finally the butter milk little by little n turn them as soft dough finally add the chocolate chips to the dough and mix gently until the chocolate chips get well mixed...
Take a baking tray n place a baking sheet springle the flour , now place the dough n roll with rolling pan, brush the dough with buttermilk n cut the dough as wedges..bake them for 20-25minutes until they turn brown..