After making out raita with potatoes, here come one more easy and simple raita with french beans, as usual i tried out this french beans raita in microwave...French beans are very rich in proteins, calcium, phosphorus,vitamin A,B ,D and fat..they also contain much iron which helps the blood cells production..French beans are neutral in nature and can be consumed frequently. French beans make great soups and are highly nutritious. Do not eat French beans raw, as they contain red blood cell coagulant that causes food poisoning. French beans can be very well prepared easily as any style of cuisine, i do often dishes with french beans which consumes very less time and suits prefectly as any type of dish..Stir fry green french beans are good for the eyesight too...i bought a bag of french beans before two days back, i just tried them as simple raita which i served with rajma rice for sterday's green vegetables in microwave keeps the green colour of the vegetables, i just love to keep the green colour of veggies and also microwave cooking cook prefectly the green beans within 5 minutes very well...Simple raita goes to
MEC-Essential Extras guest hosted by Rachel of Tangerine's Kitchen, event started by
1/2cup Green french beans (chopped finely)
1tsp Jalapeno pepper pieces
1cup Thick yoghurt
1/4tsp Red chilly powder
1/4tsp Chat Masala powder
Take the finely chopped french green beans in a microwave safe bowl with salt and cook in high for 5 minutes, take off from the microwave oven and add the jalapeno pepper pieces, red chilly powder and cook again for 2 minutes...add finally the thick yoghurt, chat masala powder and salt (if needed), whisk everything well until they get well mixed..
Serve with any pulao r rice dishes!
Am sending this easy french beans raita to
FIC-Favourite guest hosted by CL, event started by