Sesame seeds contain sesamin and sesamolin, substances that is believed to prevent high blood pressure and protect the liver against damage.Sesame seed is a good source of Vitamin E, that is why it can help strengthen the heart and the nervous system.Half cup of sesame seeds contains 3 times more calcium than half cup of whole milk.Unhulled sesame seeds can be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry, dark place. Once the seeds are hulled, they are more prone to rancidity, so they should then be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.Add sesame seeds into the batter the next time you make homemade bread, muffins or cookies.Combine toasted sesame seeds with rice vinegar, tamari and crushed garlic and use as a dressing for salads, vegetables and noodles.We know very well that spinach have loads of health benefits, I prepared spicy and delicious savoury buns with frozen spinach, crushed garlic, red chilly flakes, quick cooking oats, sesame seeds, flax seeds, store bought fried onions...Its such a healthy and delicious spinach buns suits prefectly even when u go for picnics, this savoury buns can be served with herbed creamy cheese for a quick dinner with any sort of soups...We enjoyed having this sesame and spinach buns with cheese and salad filling..

1+1/2cups Whole wheat pastry flour
1/2cup Quick Cooking oats
1cup All purpose flour
2tbsp Olive oil
1tbsp Flax seeds
2tbsp Sesame seeds
3/4cup Spinach (frozen)
2tsp Redchilly flakes
1/4cup Fried onion
1tbsp Crushed garlic cloves
1tsbp Active dry yeast
1tsp Salt
1/2tsp Sugar
Combine in a cup of luke warm water, the active dry yeast, salt and sugar..let it sit for 5 minutes..Take the all purpose flour, whole wheat pastry flour, quick cooking oats, flax seeds, sesame seeds, frozen and thawed spinach, redchilly flakes, fried onions, crushed garlic cloves, olive oil and mix everything well..gradually add the foamy yeast with half a cup of luke warm water, knead as dough...dust the dough with enough flour and knead for few minutes until its turns soft..arrange the dough in a greased bowl , let it sit for an hour in a warm place..
Once the dough doubled their volume, make 6balls from the dough and roll them as buns...Arrange the buns in a baking sheet and let it sit again for an hour...Brush the buns with olive oil and springle the sesame seeds over the buns...Preheat the oven for 350F..
Arrange the unbaked buns in middle rack of the oven and bake for 30 minutes or until the buns turns golden brown...Enjoy the savoury buns!