I love baking breads at home, nothing will stop me to try out new and different bakes or breads at home..While going through Aparna's
space, immediately i got hooked to this cardamom flavoured banana bread, since its a no knead bread, i wanted to try them the next day itself.. Eventhough she prepared her bread as rolls, i prepared this bread as a single round bread which is quite easier for me to bake off..This bread is very easy to prepare since its doesnt goes for kneading which sounds very interesting for me and i tried this bread day before sterday, this bread came out very well..While baking, the aroma of this bread completely filled my house.. Once everyone came back home, we enjoyed having this bread with nutella spread and jam for our snacks..Thanks to Aparna for sharing this wonderful bread and we loved it.. Sending to
T&T-My Diverse Kitchen guest hosted by Srivalli,Susan's
YeastSpotting and to Champa's
Bake Off Event
3+1/2cups All purpose flour
1/2cup Buttermilk
1+1/2tsp Active dry yeast
1/2cup Luke warm water
1tsp Salt
1tsp Sugar
2tbsp Butter( melted)
1cup Banana puree
1/2tsp Cardamom powder
Extra flour for dusting
Butter for brushing the bread
Take the lukewarm water, buttermilk, yeast,salt, sugar, butter, cardamom powder, banana puree in a large bowl, lightly whisk everything in a large bowl and add gradually the flour without kneading using a wooden spatula,until the flour get well mixed..close the bowl and allow the dough to rise upto two hours in a warm place..Once the dough get rised, arrange the dough in fridge for half an hour, it will be easier to handle the dough..
Grease a regular cake tin with enough butter...Take the dough , dust lightly with flour and roll the dough as a medium sized round shaped loaf, arrange the rolled loaf over the greased cake tin..make some slashes over the dough, cover the dough with a wet towel, allow the dough to rice for an hour again...Bake the bread at 350F for 30-35minutes until the crust turns brown...brush the bread with butter once they came out of the oven..
Enjoy the bread with nutell spread or jams..