Satpuro in Sindhi means layered rotis, or parantha..Sat means seven and puro means layered...This parathas can be served for breakfast, lunch or for dinner with any sort of curry or simply just with yogurt and pickle..I have bookmarked this recipe at Alka's
Sindhi Rasoi and immediately i loved this layered paratha since it goes for easy preparation..This satpuro phulko tastes marvellous with any sort of gravies eventhough we just enjoyed these rotis with mixed veggies kurma, we loved it..This layered rotis goes for wheat flour, pepper powder, salt and oil also its completely healthy, this layered roti can be prepared with many variations but i loved this simple and easy preparation....Sending to
T&T -SindhiRasoi guest hosted by Ria, event by

2cups Wheat flour
1/2tsp Pepper powder
2tbsp Oil
Take the flour, pepper powder, salt and a tablespoon of oil in a bowl,knead as a soft dough, keep aside for 15minutes..knead again well and take a small portion of the dough, roll as circles with rolling pin, with a knife cut it vertically into 4 ribbons with an inch each..Sprinkle some wheat flour, oil over all pieces..roll all pieces one over the other and make a ball ..carefully roll it as chapathi with rolling pin..
Place the chapathis over a hot pan, drizzle some oil and cook on medium flame until they get well cooked..Serve with any sort of gravies or curd..