Shucked, by
Erin Byers Murray....
Berg's off-the-cuff cooking methods came in handy a number of times that summer. This is his riff on the classic Rockefeller; it can be pulled together in minutes flat. Though Oysters Rockefeller might seem like the first course to some staid sit-down dinner, these are best eaten outside, on someone's deck, under the fading summertime sun - preferably near the water.
Ingredients:2 dozen Island Creek Oysters
1 cup baby spinach, chopped
3 tbsp minced garlic
3 tbsp butter
Couple handfuls of shredded Parmesan
Preparation:- Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Shuck the oysters, making sure to separate the bottom muscle but keep the meat intact in the shell.
- Top the meat with a couple pinches of spinach, 1/4 teaspoon garlic, a small pat of butter, and a couple of pinches of Parmesan.
- Arrange on a baking sheet and bake for about 5 minutes or until Parmesan is melted.
Serves 6
Recipe courtesy of Shucked by Erin Byers Murray
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