Baking with kids, definitely its a wonderful moment for both an adult and the kids..Since my kids are in vacation, we are keeping us busy by baking whenever we feel like having some cakes or cookies for our evening snacks..Here comes one among those bakes i prepared with my younger son today, an eggless orange cake flavoured with cinnamon powder..Seriously my son almost prepared this cake himself, i simply helped him in mixing and baking, else he followed each and every steps for preparing this cake as per my notes..He was very much excited and decorated the cake just by drizzling chocolate sauce and by sprinkling some star shaped sugar sprinkles..Everyone at home enjoyed having this cake for their snacks, am very much proud of my little chef..I couldnt stop having myself this incredible eggless cake,yep they are definitely quite addictive.

1+1/2cups All purpose flour
2tbsp Corn flour
3/4 Sugar
1/2cup Orange juice
1cup Yoghurt
1/2cup Oil
1tbsp Orange rinds
1tsp Baking Soda
1/2tsp Baking powder
1/2tsp Cinnamon powder
Preheat the oven at 350F...mix together the all purpose flour,cinnamon powder, corn flour, baking soda, baking powder in a large vessel...beat together the sugar, yoghurt, oil, orange juice,orange rinds until the sugar gets dissloved.
Add gradually the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients until everything get well mixed,dont over mix...grease a cake pan and pour the cake batter...arrange the mould in the middle rack and bake for 20-25minutes until the skewer come out it completely!
Slice the orange cake as u desire!!