from Cook Wild by Susanne Fischer-Rizzi.....This recipe comes from my Native American friend Shirley. She lives in the Yukon Territory in north-western Canada. Bannocks are part of every social gathering there; that is why the recipe is for fifteen people. If your ‘tribe’ is smaller, you can halve the quantities.
Recommended Equipment:Cast iron pan or flat lid of a Dutch oven. You can also make bannocks on a hot stone, a roof tile or a muurikka.
Ingredients:1 kg (2 1/4 lb) 7 1/2 cups flour
1 tspn baking powder
2 level tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar (brown)
About 3/4 liter (1 1/2 pints) 3 cups cold water
About 500 ml (1 pint) 2 cups vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower oil, rapeseed oil) for deep frying.
Preparation:- Mix all of the ingredients into a dough and use immediately.
- Heat some oil in a pan.
- With a large spoon, take some dough, put it in the pan and press it flat to a diameter of about 5cm/2 inches. When the bottom of the bread has browned a little, turn it with a fork and brown the other side. The bannocks will be done when you flick them with your finger and they sound hollow. Serve hot.
Variations:There are countless variations.
- In Canada they put cranberries in the dough. You could also use other wild berries such as blueberries, barberries or lingonberries.
- Some recipes use milk or powdered milk in the dough.
- Other possible ingredients include: raisins, grated coconut, pieces of dried apple, beechnuts, pine seeds, small pieces of cheese and bacon.
- You can also add wild herbs to the dough.
Bannocks make great breakfast food at campfires, and they also taste good as a side dish with stews and meat.
Fire: A mature fire with low flames for constant heat.
Makes about 30 Bannocks
Recipe courtesy of Cook Wild by Susanne Fischer-Rizzi
Canada [
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