I haven't make
kid's meal for a long time. It's a good sign because this means my son has no eating problem. Then why did I make one today? Well, it because I was very pleased that he finished a whole plate of Chicken Rice this afternoon on his own and he didn't take very long to do it too. I have been waiting for this day to come. *smiles* So, I thought I will spend some time to make his dinner interesting like before, just for today.
What I had in mind was those swiss roll with cream and fruits inside. I should have chopped up the veggies and mixed it with the fish paste. It will look more convincing and nicer but but but ... my mistake. It didn't look anything close to a swiss roll. Still looked more like Sushi. But he still enjoyed it anyway. Oh well!
In case you are wondering, it's normal cooked rice (I didn't use Japanese short grain rice) wrapped
fish paste roll and top with furikake.