Healing Foods event started by
Siri of Siri"s Corner,goes every month with a food item, by bringing their health benefits to make out dishes in their most healthy form..This month's choice goes for onions, most of our foods cant be prepared without onions, personally i felt that Indians cant live without onions and most of our Indian dishes goes automatically for onions..Thanks a ton to Siri for letting me to host this beautiful event..
There are many different varieties of onion, red, yellow, white, and green.. Each with their own unique flavor, from very strong to mildly sweet. Onions can be eaten raw, cooked, fried, dried or roasted. They are commonly used to flavor dips, salads, soups, spreads, stir-fry and other dishes.
Onions (Allium cepa) belong to the lily family, the same family as garlic, leeks, chives, scallions and shallots.There are over 600 species of Allium, distributed all over Europe, North America, Northern Africa and Asia. The plants can be used as ornamentals, vegetables, spices, or as medicine.Onion is a powerful anti-septic which is rich in vitamins A, B and C. It is a potent source of folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, iron and dietary fiber. Whether you eat it raw or cooked, onions help to lower blood pressure,cholestrol naturally and the health benefits of onions goes for a long list..
1)Create any dish using onions and post the same in your blog. You could use any variety of onions. Non-Bloggers can send their recipes with the details..
2) Please link this announcement in your posts and u need to link to Siri's
Announcement Page.. Usage of the logo is optional.
5 entries per person is allowed
4) Send your details:
Blog's Name:
Recipe's Name:
Recipe URL:
Photo (with 300px wide)
Priyasuresh09@gmail.com before June 30th 2010, midnight.
5)Archived posts are accepted..