Who will say no when u r served with love by ur better half even with a simple salad, definitely not me..Coz my better half is quite a busyman with loads of work and its very rare to catch him often especially during week days, yesterday after a long month of work, he got enough time to spend his precious time with us and prepare this simple salad for us with loads of love, even this salad is simple i wanted to share along with u all coz am so proud of him also simple but yet a delicious salad to enjoy without any guilt as my H prepared with maple syrup and some nuts with loads of strawberries and pineapple chunks..We enjoyed this salad for our dessert...

1cup Strawberries (chopped)
1cup Pineapple chunks
Maple syrup as per need
Few almond flakes
Take everything in a bowl, mix well and serve chilled...