Clafoutis is a baked french dessert usually prepared with cherries arranged in a greased bowl and covered with thick flan like batter, dusted with powdered sugar these baked desserts are served usually warm...Anyhow these baked desserts can be also prepared depending upon the fruit seasons,yep they can be prepared with prunes,pears, apples,cranberries or else with blackberries..My version of clafoutis goes for apples and dried black raisins, both together turned out this clafoutis delicious..Also instead of using all purpose flour for making the batter i used whole wheat flour which turned out this clafoutis more healthier than the usual one.

3nos Eggs
2nos Apples (peeled and cubed)
2tbsp Dry black raisins
2tbsp Whole wheat flour
1tsp Vanilla extract
1cup Milk
1/2cup Low fat cream
Butter for greasing the pan
4tbsp Sugar
Preheat the oven to 400F..Beat the eggs,sugar,salt until the mixture turns slightly pale, add immediately the low fat cream,milk,vanilla extractwhisk for few seconds, now add the flour and mix well..
Grease a tart pan or ramekins with butter eventhough i used tart pan, arrange the cubed apples,raisins as per need, pour the clafoutis batter over the fruits and bake for 15minutes..Cut the clafoutis as u desire in case if u prepared them in tart pan and serve..
I served this warm clafoutis topped with maple syrup, we enjoyed each and every bite of this delicious clafoutis..