Hot!! hot!! its too hot here, u might have heard that Europe is completely terrified by the huge red ball 'Sun', yea since few days the temperature is quite like we were living in a desert..Its that much hot and even the french government have alerted yesterday that today is going to be the hottest day of this summer...This sort of hot climate are really freaky here since they crossed large amount of death of aged peoples before few years ago..Its really hard to cook and eat when its too hot, everything we need is water, juices and salads..having rice dishes or cooking gravies etc is completely a hard task when its 40°c in ur kitchen..Since few days most of our dinner is salads, salads & salads...This bellpepper and melon salad is one of among those salad which i prepared for our dinner..Simple, colourful, refreshing, easy and both melon and bell peppers together suits tremendously prefect... the crunchy bellpepper and delicious sweet melon tastes amazing while served as salads, also i have added few lettuce leaves, cucumber, corn kernels and served with pepper powder and salt with a tbsp of olive oil, u can also omit both salt and oil and serve very well with salt.

5nos Lettuce leaves (any salad leaves)
1/2cup Red bellpepper pieces
1/2cup Green bellpepper pieces
1/2cup Corn kernels
1/2no Canteloupe melon
1/2 no Cucumber
1/4tsp Pepper powder
Scoop out small balls from canteloupe melon and cucumber, keep aside...In a large bowl mix the lettuce leaves, red and green bellpepper pieces, corn kernels, cucumber balls and canteloupe balls (u can also chop the cucumber and melon instead of making out balls),give a stir...Springle the salt, pepper powder, add a tablespoon of olive oil..again give a stir and serve immediately...