I baked this simple chocolate orange cake last weekend to celebrate my son's birthday, this cake goes for really very simple process and i enjoyed making them, i love orange flavours in chocolate cake and
this time i prepared out this cake with chocolate, orange juice along with orange peels..needless to say how they tasted..we loved much, its a delicious, quite a spongy cake with orange flavour..A fabulous treat to chocolate lovers and i love baking and enjoying this cake with hot coffee for my sunday evening snacks, this cake stays prefect for more than three days in room temperature..Sending to Shabitha's Virtual Party-Chocolaty Dreams..

2cups All purpose flour3nos Eggs
1cup Sugar
1tsp Baking powder
3/4cup Butter
1/2tsp Baking Soda
1/2cup Dark chocolate pieces
1cup Orange juice( fresh)
1/4cup Orange rinds
1/2cup Milk
Nutella spread
Chocolate vermicellis
Heat chocolate and milk in microwave bowl for 2 minutes, mix well until the chocolate gets well melted...meanwhile mix all the dry ingredients together n keep aside, whisk together eggs,butter, sugar n orange juice, until the sugar get well dissolved...add the milk n chocolate mixture..finally add the orange rinds n whisk everything well..preheat the oven for 350F..
Now add the dry ingredients n mix everything well, pour the cake batter in a greased round pan and bake for 20-25 minutes in middle rack...let them cool..Just spread the nutella spread over the cake and sprinkle some chocolate vermicellis..
Enjoy with a cup of hot coffee..