Gelato is a kind of Italian frozen dessert which ressembles quite like icecream with most of the ingredients as like icecream..Gelato goes for milk,cream,sugar, fruits or nut puree as main ingredients also they are prepared using a heating process..Gelato goes mainly for eggs in their preparation,but i completely skipped the egg part and tried making as an eggless version also you doesnt need ice cream maker for making this gelato..Its quite a freshing,less calorique wonderful dessert to enjoy to beat this heat...My teddies enjoyed relishing this marvellous orange gelato as dessert after their lunch and their dinner,yep they loved it that much..

1cup Water
1cup Sugar
2nos Orange's zests
1cup Orange juice
1cup Whipping cream
Bring to boil all the ingredients except the whipping cream, let the syrup gets thickens and put off the stove..Strain the syrup and keep aside until its gets cool...Stir in the cream and pour the mixture in a stainless steel bowl and freeze for an hour, whisk the mixture and arrange again in freezer, whisk twice every 2 hours and let them sit in freezer for overnite..
While serving,keep the gelato in fridge for few minutes and serve as scoops..