My Seattle trip was so much fun! The Allrecipes staff really showed us a great time! It was first class all the way, from the room to the food!
Fries in brown gravy with cheese curd |
I think I could be very happy living in Seattle! What a beautiful city! Downtown Seattle was filled with so many delicious places to eat...I just wanted to eat my way through the entire place! I actually almost!
Salted caramel gelato |
Chocolate pecan pie |
Crab tater tots |
Coconut curry soup |
This is just a small sample of what we ate!
Seattle is definitely a foodie I was in heaven!
The views were just breath taking!
And I could have spent the whole day at Pike Street Market! There was so much to see and taste...smoked fish, cheeses, baked goods, teas and spices!
And the flowers sold at the market were the most perfect looking flowers I have ever seen!
My friend and fellow foodie, turned tour guide, showed us around downtown Seattle...Thank you Laurie! You're the best!
I'm hoping to go back to Seattle for another visit! We truly enjoyed being there! I will always be grateful to the wonderful staff from for this exciting and fun get-away!