Last week, Astin, a diner left a message in my chat box asking if I could share how to make hard boiled egg but with a soft york.
Some might see this egg served in some Japanese Ramen Restaurant. Some restaurants call this lava egg. It does looks like oozing lava. ;) It's commonly known as ni-tamago anyway.
I know of one restaurant that charges S$1.50 for an egg!! After reading this, you won't be paying even 50cents for it. :P Buy a dozen eggs and make it at home yourself instead.
It's not as difficult as you thought it might be. The important thing to it is timing. Here's what I did.
60g refrigerated eggs, ie, cold eggs, are used here. Boil a pot of water enough to cover the eggs. Reduce heat so that the water is just bubbling. This is important as you do not want the eggs to 'jump' in the process and get cracked. Use a spoon to place the eggs into the bubbling water carefully. Let them cook for 7 minutes, uncovered.
Prepare a bowl of ice water. Remove the eggs immediately and plunge in the ice-cold water. This helps to stop cooking. Remove after a minute and gently tap the shell with a spoon. Carefully remove the shells and cut it open to see the results. Voila! Your $1.50 lava egg! Well, not exactly. You need to season and 'colour' it first, which I will share in
my next post. ;)
In the meantime, enjoy your plain S$1.00 lava egg. :)