Who will say no to deep fried crunchy munchy murukkus?? definitely none at home, instead of buying them from stores even its sometimes time consuming i dont bother to make them at home..Yesterday i prepared this murukku using grounded peanut paste, which i soaked for making some gravy with them, but finally since everyone at home doesnt wish to have the gravy with peanuts, i deskinned the soaked peanuts and grounded them as paste for making this murukku, these murukkus turned out super delicious,crispy and a prefect snacks...We loved this yummy crispy murukkus with mild peanut flavour...Apart from removing the skin of the soaked peanuts,this murukku goes for an easy preparation..

1cup Peanuts (soaked & skin removed)
2cups Gram flour
1+1/2cups Rice flour
1tbsp Butter (room temperature)
2tbsp Sesame seeds
1/2tsp Asafoetida powder
Oil for deep frying
Grind the peanuts with a cup of water as fine paste, meanwhile take the gram flour,rice flour,butter, sesame seeds, asafoetida powder and salt in a large bowl, mix everything for a while,now add the grounded paste and water to turn them as soft and smooth dough..
Take the murukku press with star nozzle or ribbon pakoda nozzle..drop gently enough dough in the murukku press... Meanwhile heat the oil for deepfrying, either u can squeeze out directly the murukku dough to the hot oil or u can make small sized murukkus using a greased plate..I squeezed out the dough directly to the hot oil, cook until the bubbles gets off..Drain the murukkus with paper towel and enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee..