It's another Wednesday, another sandwich day for my daughter. Starting next week, she will have her Art & Craft Enrichment in school, which is what she has been waiting for, on Mondays and Tuesdays. She will be having her lunch in school too. Which means I will have to crack my head on what to prepare for her for at least 3 days a week.
As usual, she doesn't want cooked food. It's sandwich again but I managed to persuade her to bring ham sandwich for a change. She loves kaya and can have kaya everyday. So what's she will be having today will be a crabby ham sandwich. ^^
The crab sandwich itself is stuffed with shaved ham too. The googly eyes are hard boiled eggs. I have a special tool, which my baby sister's boyfriend helped me buy from taiwan many years ago. I used pokey sticks to hold the eyes and claws to the crab body. The legs are also pokey sticks. I did an extra clown fish cheese sandwich for crabby for company.